joi, 29 octombrie 2015

Is it God exist or we just need him?

In the last weeks I thick a lot of this issue. God exist or we need to bealive in something?
I must accept the fact that I can't see an answer, probably because there is no one, at lest not with prove.
All the religions tell us diffrent story, but all of them look like simple S.F.. on the ther hand science come with other fantesy: Big Bang.
In my humble opinion, after thincking of all around us, all this incredible things, I admit that there must exist a Creator, some one beyond our knowledge.

luni, 26 octombrie 2015

All poeple go somewere

But where?
I'm in subway. Around me all kind if people.
And most of the time, when i'm in subwat, I wonder about them.
Who they are? Where is they go? How are they in there life, daily? Is some of them a good person or bad? I put my salf all kind of questions, and I have no answer.
Some times I remain stock on somebody. I try to descifre, to take a look in side of him or her, to make a smallest idea .... But is just ipoteticle, nothing true.
Human are very odd. They prezent him salfe to the publuc in some way, but in reality they are very diferent.

duminică, 25 octombrie 2015

Make you day beautifull

A day can be worse or better. In most of the time is up to you. You decide if the day is begening will a god one or a bad one.
Be pozitiv, be happy. There is no need for something special, is enough the fact that you have a new day.
Don't ask for too more, be pleased with little things.
And very important: ask for a beatitude stage for all day.

When you do a job, do it well!

Is very important for you as a person to be pleased by your salf.
So, if you must do a job, wherever that job is, you must do it in the best way you can. In this way you will be satisfaed and pleased.
And when you are pleased by you own actions, you are pleased by your salf, and other people are pleased by you, and you are happy.
And all of this because you do your job well.
And is easy.

When you do a job, do it well!

Is very important for you as a person to be pleased by your salf.
So, if you must do a job, wherever that job is, you must do it in the best way you can. In this way you will be satisfaed and pleased.
And when you are pleased by you own actions, you are pleased by your salf, and other people are pleased by you, and you are happy.
And all of this because you do your job well.
And is easy.

Subway, best city transportations

In all most evry week I use subway. Is more faster, more civilized.
Of cours is more expensive, but is wort.

sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2015

In this night we change our times

In this night we change time. Wintertime clock.
We sleep one hour in plus. But! Is fake. Because I want to see a movie and that mean I will go to sleep late.

Big difference between smartphone and laptop

The whole view of a site, no matter if is a web site of news or a simple blog, is different.
On smartphone I can't see all site, only the article, no sidebar, no other things.
That why even I use in the most part of the time a smartphone I all ways love the laptop.

Some people have luky

"You must be very luky!"
This is my word tolled to a friend of mine.
This gay have a great life. A geat wife, a good job, and ...
What alce to ask? What elce life must give in order to be happy?
Of cours: healt. And long life. Etc.

Nice saturday

Great day. Full of sun, warm.
I get up whit my kids in parc.
Even they are a litle could. Fresh air must make them better.

vineri, 23 octombrie 2015

Make clean in your house

What is that mean?
Is mean to escape of all who try to deeg you.
Enamy dresded in shepard, wars enamy ever. Who destroy you from the shadow.

Sometimes I'm happy

If a take my life and all the time that I live, it will result that there was a good moment in my life, and bad moment.
Sometimes I was sad, other time happy.
In this particulary moment I'm happy. I hope to remain happy for the rest of the week.

I must work

Again I must work. Like in a cercle from is no escape. If I not work I have no money, and no food, and other.
So what can I do?

joi, 22 octombrie 2015

Work, all our life

We work all our life, and in the end when we are too old, we realise that all was in vane.
What is life? A number of years, who run too fast, and before to realise, life go away.
There is so many great things in life, things wich we don't sawet because we work too much in order to .... Why we do that?
No matter how many things we have, we want more, and more, and never we be pleased, allways want more. But this more is for material staf, and life don't meen only that, is much more.
So here are are!  In old ages, full of regretes, with no chanse to change our past, undetstanding too late that we actualy have a single life.

marți, 20 octombrie 2015

In morning I bearly wake ul

My sleep is very deep in morning. Maybe because I have the bad habbyt to go to sleep very latter in night.

sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2015

Umde sunt ghiarele de pui?

Nu am mai vazut de mult prin magazine ghiare de pui. Or fi puii de gaina de la ferme, mai nou, fara ghiare?
Sau ghiarele ajung in China? Nu de alta dat chinezii aia le considera delicatese.

Visul unei zile de toamna

Ce isi doresc oamenii? Si mai ales ce isi doresc oamenii toamna?
Caldura pentru la iarna,
O excursie la munte de Craciun
Sa vina primavara
Mai multi bani
Mai mult timp libet
Raspunsuri la diverse intrebari
Un job mai bun
Prieteni mai de treaba
Cam astea sunt visele.
Mai sunt si altii care nu viseaza decat la a isi schimba viata. Lor le urez succes!

miercuri, 14 octombrie 2015

Nu ne alegem parintii

Cred ca viata eate intr-adevar nedreapta cu multi. Din multe puncte de vedere.
Un exemplu este cel al parintilor. Cati copii nu se nasc din parinti retardati? Cati copii nu se nasc in familii cel putin ciudate? 
Dar cel mai important: cati copii pot alege familia in cate sa se nasca?

Hotii noi - cazinouri

Cum este posibil ca oameni in toata firea, sa faca economie de la mancare, energie electrica, benzina, etc, si in acelasi timp sa piarda sume mari la cazinou?
Seamana cu ceva anormal. Si asa si este. O hotie, o inselatorie, o spalare a creierului.

marți, 13 octombrie 2015

Loc de munca langa casa

Muncitot sau birocrat, angajat sau angajator, daca strabati Bucurestiul in doua pentru a ajunge la munca nu conteaza ca mergi cu limuzina sau tramvaiul - pierzi timp enorm, si te imbolnavesti se stres.

luni, 12 octombrie 2015

Simplu muncitor

Am fost educati de mici sa muncim, ca prin munca cinstita trebuie sa ne castigam existenta.
Totul bine si frumos daca din munca am reusi sa ne platim facturile, sa ne cumparam cele necesare, si sa si punem un pic deoparte.
Insa lucrurile stau altfel. Nu reusim asa ceva dintr-un salariu mediu. Sa nu mai zic de vreo imbolnavire.
Slugi prin Anglia, Germania, sau sa ne riscam in vreo afacere. Ce avem de pierdut?

Tastele Android

Obisnuit ani de zile sa scriu pe taste adevarate, pe laptop, mi se pare enorm de greu sa fac aceeasi treaba pe tastele virtuale de Android.
Si inca raman la ideea ca nu pot face pe tableta sau telefon ce pot face pe laptop.

I bealive that all is a lie

I don't know very good englesh, but stil I like this language. So I will write on this blog only in englesh.
With mistake, sure, so be it!
One day I will learn that language better. I'm sure of that.

Nori afara, minte grea

Nu pot gandi la nimic serios. Nimic ce necesita o deplina concentrare.
Si asta mi se intampla ori de cate ori afara sunt nori de ploaie.

duminică, 11 octombrie 2015

Cine o fi inventat munca?

De maine iar la munca. O noua saptamana. Da, stiu. Nu e ceva nou.
Si totusi, desi pare necesara, cine o fi inventat sistemul asta? Si mai ales de ce?

Vremuri apuse, vremuri ciudate

Este ciudat cum uitam trecutul. Dar nu-i nimic, de il uitam il repetam.

Ve bine era pe vremuri! Era? Pe bune? Cred ca ne trebuie ceva timp de gandit.

Romania in Euro 2016

Romania, mai exact nationala de fotbal, lupta in aceasta seara pentru calificare. Trebuie musai sa bata pe Insulele Feroe.
Sa fim seriosi. Daca nu invingi Insulele Feroe ce mai cauti la Euro 2016?