luni, 16 noiembrie 2015

What is what you fight for?

What you want for your life? 

When I was young I had a visions of how the way life must be in a very different way then now.    I can't say that right now my visions is the right one, and I surely love more what was my opinion in my youth,  but it's not possible, so I will take what I have as good as is possible.

So: right now I have some priority, and my priority is my family and my home. And in order to my home by O.K. is need money, and money is hard to make it in my own country, so for a while I must work in U.K., and with money wined hear at hard work to make a small business in my country. I really wish to work on internet website  or blogging, and to winn some money from that. But it may not be a successful idea, so I must concentrate to some other ideas, ...... I hope I find something in the next week, something to like it and to make profit from it. 

Far away from home Cap. 12

Every day you must learn something new. Uonfortunately  when you tired, like me today, after 12 hours of physicals work, you don't remember anything. 

One things I like in factory. Because is many nationality every body say O.K. with big finger up. And I like that.

And .... This is all for today. 

Far away from home Cap. 11

O.K. Let's put on the table why I come in U.K. for work. My story.

My wife is sick,  has epilepsy, diseases of System Neuronal Centre.

I have 2 kids, first of 8 year and the other 9.

So I must work hard to provide them all they need. That's why I come to England, to work, for money.

I wish that when I'll come back un country, to do a lot. But one of them is to make a office of my on, where to write a screen play for a movie. And probably couple of book, cause I love writing.

But of course is another other many things which must be done.

I hope I will be app to work every day, at lest 6 months.   It wil be hard without my family close to me, but for them is all this.

In next week I must apply for National Insurans Number. And then I will write about that. 

Far away from home Cap. 10

Sometimes all you want is to run from all of this, to give up, to return home.

But is probably the accommodation time, which is very hard. And when you live with some people who in every saturday night make party with music at maximum, is bad. 

It's a huge different from the life you have in your one home, and even in time you will be used with that, it will never be  O.K., and probably it's a good things in some how, cause you may try to make all this sacrifice to have a reason and a meaning, and when you will return home you will appreciate mach more  your home, friends, life from home.

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2015

Work for money with pleasure

I think there is only a few people in this word who go to work for pleasure. But certainly all of them go to work for money.

But if the job is nothing what you wish and it is the oposed  of to be nice, you should star to force yourself to like it. Try to find some good side of it, other why you will crack.

Even you don't like your job star enjoin it. Make same adjustments in you way of see work in such way to make it loved. In this way you will be happy.    Because when you do what you like, and you are even paid for that: you are happy. 

Believe in church

For a wile I stop believe in what church (all of them) say to us.

Maybe because a lot of things make me put serious questions. Let see some of them:

1. If Christianity wasn't  promoted with sour for hundred of eyers it may not be existed in our day at all.

2. If Jesus was poor why all priests and other leader of different church are extremely rich since they followed Him? 

3. Why all four gospel has apostolic  name at it writers if the real writers are unknown?

4. Which is the real church from hundreds if every one of them claim that they have the only truthfully way. 

5. Why if they believe in Bible ignore some part of it willingly?

6. Why in Old Testament  God order to kill and in New the same God say to love enemy?

This are some of my questions. And I'll really want some answer. But I wold like that the answer I'll may receive to not be from someone whit brain wash in some theological school.    

All the time think positive

Some times when life are not in the way we exacted we have to chose if we want to find best of it or complained all day long.

That why  even in bad moment we must find something nice, something to enjoy us, to make us please. Of course is hard to do that when it seems that our whole universe is collapsed. But we must try.

Is like when you smile to some other people even you are not happy, and even if this smile in some how is fake, it still have a good impact, in the same way we must find a god part in all this  bad situations. Even we must lie ourselves for that.

Far away from home Cap. 9

Living in stress because of until start to understand how things work, and until stat used to live  in some manner, it's a nightmare.

Sometimes you have luky, and meet people O.K., willing to help you, and this is wonderfully. But even so, is need time to accept that your life is up side down and there is nothing you can do, an days go so slow, and wait to came the day when you finely accept and will not batter you.

marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

Far away from home Cap. 8

Living to stranger people, trying to accommodate, to eat what other eat, sleeping in some time interval, having bathroom and chicken at common, is seem like a bad movie.

But all of this wort if you find a job, cause 1000£ is a lot of money from some one from the east.

Of course, if we thing to all sacrifices and the fact that you need a lit of money to come here, we can say that not every body can.

And more important, must be some one to  help you for a while, until you star to be paid.

Far away from home Cap. 7

Some people are good on words, they have a natural inclinations for making friends easy,  

and that things help them a lot.

But if you can't make friends easy,  it will be hard, because by your self you can't do much.

Far away from home Cap. 6

Being through the stranger and missing your family, especially your kids, you start realized that in your past, in your city, and in home (life) you don't ever have enough time for your family, your kids. All the time was all kind of important things to do,

all the time working to much in order to make money, which in essence is good, because money give all you is necessary to sustain your family, but in all this time kids had been neglected, and .....

And in moment like this, living far away from your family, you miss them very much, and you realize that Every time (even couple of minutes) spend with your beloved are more valuable then Gold it self.   

Far away from home Cap. 5

Transportation is a big problem, especial when between job place and rent room is a big distance.

You must combine with someone who have car, or to use bus, but not in all the time this work, because bus have same skajebool, and other people has there one.

And to all this stresfull situations we put cost to all, which is a lot.

Far away from home Cap.4

When satenley meat people, a lit if them, and you don't have a great visual memory, you are about to confuse them, and the situations are stresant.

Far away from home Cap. 3

The fanny things is when you meat people from other country who not spock English, and you can't understand with them. 

And an other things which is not O.K. is the fact that there is no internet, and what I written now is in "note" on my phone.

Far away from home Cap. 2

Financial problem, transportation, rent a room, calling, internet, etc, all of this mean a lot of money, money which you will recover if you star working soon.

It's a whole new world, odd one, but we must survive.

Far away from home

After many, many years you used to have same habits, to sleap in some way, in some bad, to sleep wherever you want, to awake when you want, to eat in anyway you want and when you want, to do things which you want, etc., is hard to change all of this.

But some times you must do change, to go in same far away place, to leave in rent, at common with other people, in promiscuity, star to live in different way, and all if this because you must live your country in order to work into an other, for more money.

In London

Compared with city of Buchatest it do's not seem to be a big diference.
Fany things is that in central of London there is more other natianality people then british.
And other things: every things here is very expensive.

miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2015

When you recive a gift

Is there anyone in this world who don't like the gifts?
Everybody like. Is sonething unexplaineble, and winderfull.
Actualy we recive gift in all the time, but some of them are ignored by us. We see gift only when the gift is in a special box, or when we recive it in official way.
So, if we enjoy to recive gift, why do not give to other gifts, to make other happy?

marți, 3 noiembrie 2015

Going far away

Somtimes in order to succed in same plan, to acomplish something I must live my town and work far away from home.
Is not easy, but is necesary.
So that's the way it is.